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Youth Ministry

St. Mark Parish Catonsville

We would love to have your teens join us for youth ministry at the parish! The two groups (middle school and high school) meet separately from September through Spring. Bring your friends and make new ones, too! Our Youth Ministry Groups will help you grow stronger in your faith, while having fun. Please see the weekly Bulletin (link on the Announcements page) for meeting details.

Middle school students will meet on the third Sunday and high-school students will meet on the second and fourth Sundays, Fall through Spring. Meet in the Parish Center at 6:00 pm (unless told otherwise).

St. Mark Catholic Church



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Dear Parents/Guardians (High School ONLY),


An important goal of faith formation for young people is that they will understand and develop healthy relationships and form moral standards of their own. 

Based upon the Bishops’ documents entitled Catechetical Formation for Chaste Living and the Charter for the Protection for Children and Youth, Created to Love has been developed by the Archdiocese of Baltimore for middle and high school faith formation.  Created to Love is designed to promote students’ healthy relationships and positive decision making in the context of Catholic moral teaching related to the sacredness of human sexuality, the dignity of life, and the sacramentality of marriage. 

 We know that the effectiveness of any program is highly dependent on family involvement.  As such, Created for Love is designed to be centered on discussions at home with parents/guardians.  Please review the program materials on line at, or by contacting the Youth Minister.  As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Celia “Sally” Rico


Photograph or videotape release (Middle / High School)

Parents/guardians of participants are advised that photographs or videotape of participants may be used in publications, websites, social media, or other materials produced from time to time by St. Mark Catholic Church, Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, or the Archdiocese of Baltimore. (Participants will not be identified, however, without specific written consent.). 

 Parents/guardians who do not wish their child(ren) to be photographed or filmed should so notify the Youth Minister. Please note that the Released Parties have no control over the use of photographs or film taken by media that may be covering the event in which your child(ren) participate(s).