Volunteer & Ministry Opportunities

Volunteers are what keep a parish growing and vibrant. We are all on a journey of faith together and the parish truly relies on you to give of the fruits of your own spiritual life. We envision St. Mark parishioners as beacons of light for all, leading by example of how to live out Christ’s call to discipleship!

Are you willing and capable of giving of yourself through ministry? Can you commit to these expectations?

  • Representing the teachings of the Catholic Church with integrity in word and action. 
  • Weekly attendance of Mass and regular reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Striving to maintain a consistent daily prayer life of at least 15 minutes of prayer a day.
  • Heeding a call to active involvement in a faith community of peers and mentors
  • Fostering a deeper trust in and relationship with the Lord and the parish community.

If you feel called to serve on one of our volunteer teams, please fill out the form below. Please know that expressing interest in a ministry, or in several ministries, does not mean that you arecommitting to a team. This is a mutual discernment process.

Once we know of your interest, we will meet with youto see where your gifts can best be used. We are excited to begin this journey with you!

Thank you for prayerfully considering the selfless act of giving to others through ministry at St. Mark.

In the Blessed Trinity,

Rev. Santhosh George, O.SS.T.