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St. Mark Parish Catonsville
Ona Corkrin, Parish Office Manager
410-744-6560, ext. 1
[email protected]

Sacristans support the priest and other ministers in preparation for Mass by setting up all items required and being available during Mass should a need arise.  These individuals also return all items to their proper storage following Mass.  Sacristans serve on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holy Days, as well as for weddings, funerals, and other Masses that may be scheduled for special reasons. Individuals must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and be in the 9th grade or above.  Previous experience as an Altar Server is helpful, but is not required.  Training is provided for all Sacristans.  

St. Mark parish has a special need for Sacristans right now and we encourage anyone who is interested or who would like to learn more to please contact the parish office for more information.  In particular, we are in need of Adult Sacristans to serve at funerals on weekdays.  

Serving as Sacristan is a wonderful way to participate more fully in the life of the church. Please prayerfully discern if the Lord might be calling you to serve in this special way!  

Sacristan Handbook