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Pastoral Care

St. Mark Parish Catonsville

The Eucharist is available to anyone in the parish who is homebound and no longer able to get to Church, sick, or recovering from hospitalization and would like to receive Communion. Please contact the Parish Office at 410-744-6560, ext. 1 to place your name or the name of a loved one on the Communion list so arrangements can be made to receive our Lord by a specially trained Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.

In case of a true life/death emergency, please call 410-744-6560, ext. 302 so a priest might respond.

If you would like to add a name to the Prayer List (read as part of the Prayer of the Faithful during weekday/weekend Masses), please call the Parish Office at 410-744-6560, ext. 1. Individuals will remain on the Prayer List for a maximum of one month, unless the Parish Office is contacted for an extension.

PLEASE BE ADVISED – A recently enacted law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – HIPPA) has affected the practice of hospitals and other care facilities of contacting the parish to inform them about parishioners who are patients/residents. This new policy restricts a healthcare facility’s ability to notify the parish when a parishioner is admitted. Therefore, if you, or a member of your family is hospitalized (or enter a long-term care facility or assisted, independent living or residential facility) and want the parish to be notified, you or a member of your family must take responsibility in contacting the parish office and identify the patient.