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Parish Council

St. Mark Parish Catonsville
Rev. Santhosh George, O.S.S.T.
410-744-6560, ext. 238

The St. Mark Parish Council, in accord with the 1983 Code of Canon Law (Canon 536), is an advisory group of St. Mark parishioners to the Pastor who has the ultimate responsibility for the pastoral care of the parish. These individuals are active and practicing Catholics, at least 18 years of age, baptized and confirmed, and registered members of the Parish. The council uses prayer, discussion, and recommendations to assist the pastor in making and carrying out decisions regarding all aspects of parish life and the mission of the church. The Council normally meets one time per month at 7:00 pm in the Coakley Room of the Parish Center between the months of September and June and discuss the areas of Finance, Liturgy, Education, Maintenance, Social Justice, Youth Affairs/Athletic Association, and Family Ministry/Evangelization. All Parish Council members are limited to a 3-year term, with the possibility of a second consecutive term.