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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

St. Mark Parish Catonsville

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay men and women who assist the celebrant with the distribution of Communion at Mass (Saturdays and Sundays, Holy Days, and Daily). 

Some Extraordinary Ministers (EMs) take communion to the sick at home weekly for a short or longer period of time, depending on the need of the individual, for those in the parish who are not able to attend Mass. (Before the pandemic, St. Mark EMs visited local nursing homes and Saint Agnes Hospital.) EMs may also assist with certain special rites, such as distribution of ashes. 

Individuals must be fully initiated and at least 16 years of age. A short training session is required, and requires commissioning from the Archdiocese.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Handbook

Ona Corkrin
410-744-6560, ext. 1
Email: [email protected]