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Community Outreach Ministry

St. Mark Parish Catonsville
Dorothy Hilditch (Interim Chair)

[email protected]

A volunteer ministry of lay people actively involved in community outreach, our committee works together to educate, serve, and foster a sense of loving community with the help of the Holy Spirit. We carry out the work of Jesus in today’s world through various service projects: ‘to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.’ 

Our committee meets monthly (September through June) to oversee, evaluate, and recommend policies for our parish outreach program, including food donations for CEA, our annual Giving Tree project, Our Daily Bread casseroles and many more ministries.


The St. Mark Community Outreach Ministry partners with the parish and local organizations to provide spiritual and material support to people in need. We rely on the help of the faithful St. Mark Parish family.

 Please consider joining us! See our parish bulletin for details about meetings and projects.