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ChristLife - bringing others to Christ

St. Mark Parish Catonsville
Pete & Ally Ascosi

[email protected]

ChristLife equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that all people might personally encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed into His missionary disciples.

The first program they've developed, Discovering Christ, is a seven-week experience where anyone and everyone, from the baptized in the pews to the unbaptized, is invited to hear the Good News and personally encounter Jesus Christ. Discovering Christ helps people enter into or renew a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, experience the love of God the Father, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as God’s children.

You can learn more about the upcoming series, a typical session, and the content of the presentations here.  You can also click on the Volunteering to Serve tab above for more info on the many different ways, big and small depending upon God's call, that you can contribute to this outreach to those on the fringes. Many hands make light work.

Help us love Catonsville by introducing them to Jesus!

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The next session of ChristLife's Discovering Christ is scheduled to run on Tuesday evenings this February and March 2022.  We would love to have your joyful and generous hearts and hands to contribute to this vibrant ministry of love to our parish members, fallen-away Catholics, and all those seeking for purpose and truth.  We pray you’ll join us in one of the following ways however God invites you.

  1. Coordinating, making, or serving food (casserole-style)
  2. Small group facilitator/helper
  3. Making people feel welcome
  4. Taking care of toddlers and preschoolers
  5. Teaching kids the truth of Jesus’ love
  6. Audio/Visual setup
  7. Decorating or setup

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